Disadvantages of Traveling Solo

It’s with some reluctance that I write about this subject because for me, someone who is passionate about solo travel, I see only positive things from the solo experience. The ability to go where you want, when you want, will always outweigh any disadvantages. So here, as promised are some of the general disadvantages of … Read more

Travel Insurance for health cover

Travel or medical insurance is such a boring subject for the intrepid solo traveller to consider and its often one of those things that gets left to the last minute. However, it is probably one of the most important things that you need to address before you travel. Why should you bother taking out travel … Read more

Solo Guide to Miami Beach

Florida is blessed with many awesome beach towns and cities but few compare in size and stature to Miami Beach, particularly the area around South Beach. What makes it such an ideal solo destination is the fact that you can be who you want to be because pretty much every flavor of humanity exists here! … Read more

What your airline seat choice can say about you

The choice of airline seat to some people is quite an important aspect of the flying experience and particularly on long haul flights the thought of being in your least favourite seat for 12 hours is the stuff of travel nightmares. We usually have the choice of aisle or window seats but usually there is … Read more

Couchsurfing for the solo

One of  the biggest obstacles for the solo traveler to overcome is being potentially lonely on the road and this no doubt puts off many potential solos. There are many different ways of hooking up with other travelers such as staying in hostels, doing activities but what about meeting locals? This is where couchsurfing comes … Read more

Top 3 Solo Destinations

Some countries are just really well geared up to solo travelers and make excellent destinations to explore alone without requiring a travel buddy. The main factor which makes these countries stand out is the ease of which it is to meet other travelers and to have the option not to be  ‘alone’. 1. New Zealand … Read more

Setting out on your own in a new country

A brief story about landing in a new country as a solo backpacker. To me there is no sense of freedom greater than setting out on the road on your own for a spell of protracted global wandering. For me this involved a flight to Bangkok to begin a round the world adventure that would … Read more

The Islands of Thailand Solo – The Gulf Side

Thailand absolutely rocks as a solo travel destination and probably ranks in the top five solo travel destinations in the World* Solo travel went to Thailand in 2011 and visited the islands on the gulf as well as the andaman coast. Here is a brief guide to get you started in the land of smiles. … Read more